Collage of historical images and cartoons of the American Civil War

Visual Culture of the American Civil WarA Special Feature of Picturing US History

Citizen Volunteers assisting the wounded in the field of Battle.

<em>Harper's Weekly</em> special artist Alfred R. Waud sketched volunteers ministering to wounded Union soldiers on the Antietam battlefield in September 1862. On the left side of the drawing, Waud included a grisly view of an all too common sight on the Civil War battlefield, an amputation. However, the <a href="" target="_self">engraving based on the sketch</a> that appeared in the October 11, 1862 <em>Harper&rsquo;s Weekly</em> provided a decidedly less upsetting view of the soldier&rsquo;s plight.Harper's Weekly special artist Alfred R. Waud sketched volunteers ministering to wounded Union soldiers on the Antietam battlefield in September 1862. On the left side of the drawing, Waud included a grisly view of an all too common sight on the Civil War battlefield, an amputation. However, the engraving based on the sketch that appeared in the October 11, 1862 Harper’s Weekly provided a decidedly less upsetting view of the soldier’s plight.

Physical Dimensions: 9.6 x 12.3 in.

Creator: Alfred R. Waud

Source: Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

Date: September 17, 1862